Apple Pomegranate Slaw

Ok, so I know this isn’t really a slaw.  And by that I mean this is not your typical slaw.  I recently bought a pomegranate at the store and was pondering what to do with it.  As you will see, this recipe is an amalgamation of what I had in my refrigerator.   However, I must say, it turned out delicious!

The ingredients are:Apple Pomegranate Slaw

1 medium apple

1 large carrot

1 pomegranate

1 tsp olive oil

1 1/2 tsp red wine vinegar

1 Tb pomegranate grenadine

dash of salt

Start by cleaning the pomegranate.  Cleaning a pomegranate is actually much easier than you would imagine.  You simply cut the pomegranate in half, then extract the seeds in a large bowl of water.  When you are done, the white skin of the fruit will float and the seeds will sink.

Then, slice your apple.  I have a fabulous product called a mandoline that helps me with this.  If you do not have a mandoline, you can simply julienne your apple.

To prepare you carrot, simply peel it.  That’s right!  Take a peeler to that baby and peel away!  Peeling is a great way to get thin carrot slices to soak up any delicious liquid you wish.

Lastly, mix the oil, vinegar, grenadine and salt.  Do not, I repeat do NOT, leave out or substitute any of these ingredients!  There is a very good reason for this.  For instance, other types of vinegar will not lend the right flavor.  Also, do not be tempted to use cherry grenadine for pomegranate.  I know lots of grenadine is made cherry-flavored now and that is usually all it amounts to – a sticky, gooey cherry imitation that is vaguely remenicent of cough syrup.  But cherry is not the real flavor of grenadine; originally, grenadine was made from pomegranates.  That means real grenadine will be made from the pomegranate fruit and will be much lighter and thinner than its cherry counterparts.   In addition, please do not leave out the salt.  The purpose of salt in sweet recipes is to enhance the flavor of your dish.  So please, do not forget it!

This is a quick, easy and yummy way to get your fruit and your veggies in one dish.  I imagine this dish along side a lovely fall entree of deep flavors, like squash and red meat.  For those of you following me and making these dishes, let me know what you think!